
Electronic repairs!

PC Board repair for companies!

New at Grafitronic;

If a circuit board is defective, most suppliers replace the entire circuit board. However, repairing a printed circuit board is cheaper in many cases. In some cases, a certain print or control is no longer supported by the manufacturer or is only very poorly available. Repairing this print is then the only way to keep a machine or device operational for longer.

The Electronic repair are done with the utmost care

We’ve invested in various soldering stations, measuring equipment; test equipment and electronic laboratory equipment. This allows us to investigate the default and repair it accordingly.

New components and techniques demand a new approach to fix it. That is why we have besides the HQ desoldeerstations, also a reflow solder and soldering station and associated techniques. These techniques are needed to carry out repairs at multilayer print and/or where SMD components are installed. Currently this is the case with most PC Boards (87%). In our electronics workshop we can replace the components on the PCB under clean conditions and according to the ESD guidelines.

The great advantage of self repair is, that if a particular PC-Board isno longer supported by the manufacturer; bad available or a new PC-Board is very expensive, we can fix this often.

call or email for the possibilities.

PC Board repair “on-site”.

Also, it is often possible to repair a PC Board at a customer “on-site”. We estimate which components have to be replaced and replace it when it is most convenient for the customer. See for example the repair that we have carried out on-site at Teewes print shop for their Shinohara offset press commissioned by

PC Board repair for private persons.

We use this service in addition to support printing of graphic machines, repairs and disturbances to all forms of print, of course, also for repairs. This means that we can offer this service to everyone. call or email for the possibilities


TITEL: Electronic repairs
Categorie: About us
Door: Grafitronic
Gepubliceerd: Jan 15, 2013

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